The 2015 Donald N. Michael award

Robert Horn receiving the 2015 Donald N. Michael award

We made sure to attend Robert E Horn‘s Don N. Michael Award. Bob lead the audience of visionary culture change agents through an overview of wicked problems and tools to address them.

Our work with Robert (Bob) Horn began after seeing him present his visual mapping of artificial intelligence as part of Piero Scaruffi’s LASER talks.

LASER is a series of fascinating presentations from the domains of science, art, and the intersection between.  Upcoming talks in the San Francisco bay area are listed here.  These thought-provoking, evocative talk series have been spreading around the globe, and are now in  Washington DC (NAS) – National Academy of Sciences, Los Angeles (UCLA): – UCLA Art Science Lab, Sacramento (UC Davis) – UC Davis Fusion, UC Santa Cruz, Kansas State Univ, and London (University of Westminster).

We were lucky to entice Robert Horn to join ReImagine Science (then known as Yámana Science and Technology) when we hosted ‘Mapping the Systems of Science and Technology‘ at the Presidio in San Francisco in 2013.

Oct 2013 at the foot of the golden gate bridge - the Presidio - doing systems mapping

Oct 2013 at the foot of the golden gate bridge – the Presidio – doing systems mapping

That event was an experiment in bringing ‘tools for teamwork’ to the scientific and technology community that is our bailiwick.  The teamwork series was a success.  We were happily surprised to learn we were launching our experiment in the very same room that Genentech-Roche had used to launch their mindfulness program, which was part of our own suite of tools to showcase.